Goodbye Ordinary

Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle

It’s a beautiful spring morning. The air feels light and fresh. It wasn’t freezing and that made me smile.

The sun was high in the sky at 6:30 as we really got into our practice. It was beautiful.

This morning’s practice was perfect. I’m used to a hardcore power hour vinyasa flow type practice, so going to the sweet and stretchy morning practices has been great BUT I feel like I’ve been cheating since I’m not getting that intense work-out. I miss it. And if i’m honest, I have a fitness goal (to be swimsuit acceptable by July when I go to Mexico) and I feel like these mornings, however sweet they are, they aren’t helping me get toward that goal.

This morning Kath did the crescent lunge flow. Right–flow chatturanga, down dog– Left– flow– Repeat.  It got my blood coursing through my veins. My heart was pumping. I broke a sweat. Mmmmm. Yes! Cardio! She even threw in navasana. It made me smile.

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Smile! 😀

I got stuck by a thorn-apple thorn thingy yesterday on our walk, right at the base of my wrist/palm. And it is SO so sore. It hurts when I move my fingers, put pressure on my hand, anyting really. It’s miserable. It made for an intense practice this morning because it was very down dog/plank heavy and my ouchie just was screaming the whole time!

It was definitely a test for my breathing.

I left yoga this morning with a refreshing bounce to my step, a smile on my face, and a bring it on attitude. *Sigh*

Today is going to be a good day!


Another rainy morning here in the mountains.

Another morning where I reluctantly rolled out of bed. The mental chatter this morning was literally: “I don’t want to get out of bed.” “I should get out of bed.” “I don’t even have to pee! Getting out of bed is unnecessary.” “I have to get out of bed. I have yoga.” “I NEED yoga.” “I NEED TO GET OUT OF BED” ***finally schleps out of bed.***

Yes. That was me. The sloth.

It was one of those mornings where I totally understand how sometimes, sloths fall to their deaths from their slowwwwww descent in trees, because they don’t even realize it and they let go of both their hands and feet (err… paws?) at the same time. Boom.

I felt like THAT sloth this morning. My brain wasn’t firing. My body was barely even maintaining the typical 5:45 auto pilot.

I was sleep-walking/driving/moving.

I got to yoga and had a mini heart-attack as “Flo” the Progessive spokeswoman, was standing the door at the insurance broker downstairs next to the beautiful door #10 (it’s a life size cardboard cut-out.. tomorrow i’ll take her picture).

Bam. I’m awake. Thank you Flo.

So it began. The enlivening. The waking up of my neurons. The stretching of my spine. The breathing. The prana.

Class was like a hike up a mountain today. It started slow, warming up, focusing on stretching, lengthening. Then, just as a hike would progress as you know you’re reaching the peak, the pace picked up. We went from slowww suns, to Ashtanga Surya B’s. Helllllo fire in my thighs, there you are. I can honestly say I kind of missed you… though I do hate you (chair pose). Warriors. Pow. Right there. Fire radiating from my core, through my hips, into my legs/thigh. Good Morning!

Then it was time for savasana. I never thought i’d say it, but I was actually disappointed it was time for savasana today. I was ready to ROCK. Let’s do this thing! But, savasana never disappoints and it was sweet and healing. My body stayed buzzing, I stayed wide awake (yes, even at 7am, I stayed awake in savasana). I’m pretty sure I *actually* meditated during that time today. It was new, it was nice.

Then I captured Kath for a conversation, I always feel a little guilty because I’m like *that* annoying student back in school. Let me stay after, or get there early, to trap the teacher into giving me more knowledge, more of their support, their blessing and attention.

Let’s be honest though… I have ALWAYS been *that* student. All through school, any place I ever lived, I was *that* kid. It’s me, so I just have to accept it as normality. Sorry Kath. 😛

I guess it’s the price those teachers pay for having that wisdom and giving it away to students though, so really, I’m just grateful to them… and to myself for having the courage to allow them to pass it on, even just by being in their presence.

I’ll abruptly end this post by letting you in on some humor from my life. Yesterday, I left yoga to go to work, at a very un-yogic atmosphere (and industry). I’m the only one that is even slightly a yogi/hippie/free-spirit type, and it works for me and the company, though I do get some flack about it.

Ridiculous but perfect e-card material? I think so.

Ridiculous but perfect e-card material? I think so.

I walk in and have a realization. I forgot something in the lounge at the studio. So before I even realize it, out comes… “Dang it! I left my granola at yoga!”

My boss looks at me and raises his eyebrows… Like “really?!” and says “Could that statement be ANY more crunchy!?”

It could have. It would have been even better if i’d have had one of my homemade green monster juices in hand that morning. ha.

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Chobani Greek Yogurt: Pear w/ granola

I’m happy to report I got my granola back today.

Day 12.



1/3 of the challenge completed! While that’s an exciting milestone, I’m not really excited about it. I don’t want the yoga challenge to end. Last year I was so disappointed it was over.

I love being able to say “See you tomorrow” to my yogi friends as we disperse from the lounge after class. I love the energy and exhuberance that follows me throughout my day when I go to morning yoga. I love being awake before the sun—WHOA did I just write that? My fingers must be high.

The title of my blog post is kind of ironic considering the REAL drug incident yesterday morning… but it was said in class today, as a joke because the studio is on the same block as a pharmacy. The pharmacy peeps would get mad when yogis would park in front of their building “because we need to get prescriptions!” So it was said… “but we DO come for the drugs”. It’s true. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t being honest.

We are addicts.

We come to get blissed out on savasana. We all have our drug of choice. My favorite for maximum bliss factor is navasana. Navasana and then VERY quickly, as fast as you can, down to your back, hands out to your sides, palms up… BAM. Right there. THAT is why I do yoga.

Some of us may need a 12 step program. Well, actually, for a lot of us, yoga IS our 12 step program:

  1. Admit we are not in control
  2. Let breath & our body restore us
  3. Decide to turn ourselves over to  the body & breath
  4. Take an honest inventory
  5. Be honest about our faults & limitations, whatever they may be
  6. Do the practice that heals us
  7. Push, just a bit further towards growth
  8. “Clarity of the mind, Kindness of the words, Compassion of the heart”
  9. Namaste. See the light shining in ourselves and know that it is in all others. Find that light.
  10. Meet yourself where you are in each moment, without judgement or expectation
  11. Clear the mind. Be fully present.
  12. Take everything you’ve gained from the experience and practice it in all aspects of your life

So there. My take on the Yoga 12 step program.


Class was practically comedy central this morning.

Kath and Kate were hilarious.

“I make my living telling people to stretch. Reminding people to BREATHE. You pay for this.”

When you break it down like that, in it’s simplest terms. Yes. She does. It’s money well spent. I’d gladly pay her to do it forever.

It is kind of ridiculous though that we can’t just make time for it on our own. We have to schedule it into our lives, and I don’t mean on our own time. We HAVE to pay for it. We have to write it on our schedule, IN PEN, and not miss it “because I paid for it!” That is how we make ourselves go. When it’s free, we don’t do it. We neglect it. We take it for granted. It gets pushed aside and instead we’ll pay for a movie, or fast food, or something that is equally unrewarding.

I’ll gladly take that $10 I’d have spent on a heart-actack in a bag and give it to Kath instead.

In all honesty, I’ve told myself before… “I can’t afford it” in reference to going to yoga every (week)day. That’s a lie. We go to lunch every day at work. I go not because I *can’t* pack my lunch, but because I need the socialization. However,  on average, I’m sure I could save that money and put that toward yoga instead. It’s a choice. We just don’t usually make that decision.


Well, in addition to the yoga challenge, I was going to do a detox/cleanse called “Clean”. However, I got the book and read through it to the part where it says the people who should NOT partake in the program… and realized they described me almost to the letter. Apparently, all my symptoms (that have always been inconclusive) could really be a couple of issues. The book talks about something one of his colleagues deemed as “spent” syndrome. There were a list of 9 questions, supposed to not do the program if you answered yes to 2 or more… My number of yes responses was 7! So, after doing more research, “spent” syndrome is basically abnormal adrenal function. There are also a couple other possible answers to the same systems. An overabundance of Candida (which makes sense because that goes along with toxicity), and/or a hormonal imbalance. Which also makes sense. So, I have to wait it out a bit and see if I have insurance to get into a doctor soon and ask about some of those things… and if not, just wait until I do get insurance.

In the meantime, I still want to be healthier. I know I NEED to be healthier. Working 8-5 has changed my eating habits from “not-so-bad” to “pretty awful” and that can’t be helping my feeling of exhaustion, not to mention my bank account! So, instead of a detox program, I’m going to start a more longterm change: 100 days of real food, check it out!>> We eat pretty healthy as we live on a small farm, have a ton of our own veggies and fruit, raise our own cattle and chickens (for eggs mostly). BUT there is always room for improvement, and for me, the focus will be on lunches when I’m not at home with all those healthy options.

Step 1: I’ll be going to Wegman’s this weekend and stocking up on unprocessed/unrefined or at least LESS refined substitutes (whole wheat flour, brown rice, dried beans, healthier peanut butter, and some yummy dried fruit). and getting some storage essentials (a thermos especially!) so that I can get into the habit of preparing the weeks lunches on the weekend (atleast the parts that can be frozen) and bringing it to work!

I’ve been compiling tons of healthy recipes for months thanks to Pinterest and found out that we actually have most of the ingredients already on hand… It’s just actually using them in healthier combinations.

I’m also going to take some components of “Clean” and work them into this new routine. Mainly, smoothies for breakfast. I am SO not a morning person. Almost every day I wake up late and am rushing to get out the door to make it to work by 8am. Normally I pull into the parking lot between 7:57 and 8:01. Not the best habit. And 9/10 times, I just got to grab a string cheese & fresh fruit as I’m running out the door! So, I want to get some of the ingredients for some magic concoctions that can help give me that boost in the morning. Try as I may, caffeine doesn’t even seem to help get my butt in gear (and it makes me pee like an infant–every 5 mins!)