Goodbye Ordinary

Posts Tagged ‘photos

Man. This getting up to do yoga at home in the early morning thing… It’s rough.

I laid in bed until 5:57am. I didn’t want to get up. I knew what was coming, since I’ve done these dvd’s before and detox… It’s a GREAT practice. One of my favorites for sure…but as it’s part of the “ultimate” series… It’s NOT easy. Knowing that you have such intensity headed your way can be crippling (at least to me). I can’t trick myself into thinking it’ll be a nice gentle practice like I can at the studio… Even though I have a block handy, a tie (for my make-shift strap until I buy one…), and a box of tissues all near my mat.

I know what’s in store. There is no fooling me.

So finally, I sucked it up, and I started. BOTH children were already awake and in my room. Little Miss insisted that she have the other mat next to mine to “do it wif youuu”. Which lasted all of 5 minutes.

I got my ujjayi breath and struggled to keep track of it through the practice. I had a few beautiful moments I had to pause and photograph.. Just so you can get a glimpse of *why* I keep insisting on this morning practice, though I’m NOT a morning person, and just being awake at 6am is a challenge for me.

So here’s a peak…

I caught a glimpse of this beautiful sunlit hillside & our maple tree during a twist.

During lateral angle, I saw my shadow on the wall from the light of the open window.

In those brief moments I was reminded how lucky I am. Lucky to be able to practice; to have found yoga; to be a part of this world and be able to watch the beauty of a clear spring morning.

The twists of the detox practice were invigorating. I know that I definitely need a good detox. I’m looking forward to the cleanse coming up & I’m going to really focus on making healthier choices when it comes to eating. If I can’t picture where it came from… I’m not going to eat it, at least for the most part, for the rest of this challenge. I need to fuel my body for this intensity because it definitely is NOT a joke, or a walk in the park.

I was reading Veggie Vinyasa’s blog yesterday, and she posted about the Dhyana May “Pose a day” Challenge. I decided, since I’m going to be doing yoga every day in May, why not try to get some photo’s & participate in “pose a day”? So I did.

This was last night’s May 1 photo, following the session of “hardcore”. Which was SUCH  a sweet feeling after the intensity of the core work. Mmmm. Paschimottanasana. (And oh look, I actually have some muscle tone now!!!!)

May 1: Forward fold (seated)

And then this morning during my practice, I had my five year old monster snap a photo of a Downward Dog, for May 2.

May 2: Downward Dog

Another day. Another beginning. Another downward dog.



Once again, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Surprised? Me neither.

Life has once again gotten uber busy. (Mainly work). We are trying to cram as much as possible into these last few weekends of summer, so we don’t regret wasting so much of it being lazy… Though, that’s what summer is for right?

I remember when I was younger, and by the end of summer, all I wanted to do was go back to school! I wanted some responsibility. I wanted to learn. I wanted a schedule that I was OBLIGATED to meet. This summer was my first summer that I worked full time, and by full time I really mean constantly. I am lucky that I enjoy most of my job, I like my coworkers, and I’m doing what I went to school for. But, I do miss sleeping in, being able to nap, and spending lots of time with the kids.

We got family pictures done last week (including the boyfriend) and they turned out so amazing! Here is a sneak peak:

I scored that vintage voile dress at the antique co-op for $12!

I’ve also been keeping up with yoga. I haven’t been as true to the Ashtanga way as I was that first week or two, but I have went to the Monday night class every week (where i totally rock it), and I’ve been trying to do at least a few Suryanamaskara’s every day or two. So, I’m not completely off the wagon, thankfully.

This weekend our little family is off to Delaware (beaches) for our 2nd family mini-vacation. This one will be 3 days and 2 nights, so a bit more substantial than our trip to the Philly Zoo. We are so excited, crossing our fingers that Isaac chills out and doesn’t send rain our way!
